When you share files and folders in OneDrive, you can decide whether to let people edit or just view them. 

Here's how you share files or folders in OneDrive:

1. Select the file or folder you want to share, then select Share.

2. Click the drop down list to change the type of link to share. This is where you can change who can access the link and whether people can edit the item you're sharing. 

Sharing options include:

  • Anyone gives access to anyone who receives this link, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else. This may include people outside of your organization.
  • People in LSUA gives everyone in our organization access to the link, whether they receive it directly from you or forwarded from someone else.
  • Specific People gives access only to the people you specify. If people forward the sharing invitation, only people you have access to the item will be able to use the link.
  • Allow editing is turned off by default. If you want people to only view your files, keep this item unchecked.

3. When you're finish selecting your sharing option, click Apply

4. Next, enter the names of the people you want to share with and an optional message

5. When you are ready to send the link, click Send. You will receive a copy of the email sent to your recipient(s).