In order to receive pay, you must submit an invoice to after the 15th date of class, but no later than the 20th date of class.
To create your billing invoice for each class:
1. Access your class in Moodle and selected the Grades link from the left-hand menu
2. If there is more than one AA in the course, there will be Groups - select your group from the drop-down list
3. Click the Export link at the top of the page
4. Choose Excel spreadsheet
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Select all/none to uncheck all the above boxes
6. Click the Download button
7. Open the downloaded Excel file and delete columns C through G
8. Open the AA Invoice Template Excel file (included below), copy the header, and insert the header on your invoice in column A above the list of student names
9. Add the information from the header into the corresponding rows in column B
10. Save the excel file with the following naming convention: “YourFirstName_YourLastName_Invoice_CourseNumber_Section_6DigitStartDate”
Example: Angela_White_Invoice_MATH1021_271I_102124
11. Email your invoice(s) to with the subject line as “Your First and Last Name, the word “INVOICE” and the start date.
Note: Please send your invoice as a file, not a link.
Header should include:
1. Invoice
2. Name
3. Course & Section, i.e. MATH 1021 171I
4. Course start date
5. Instructor
6. Your Mailing Address
7. Your Phone number (in case there is a question or issue)
This video link provides the step by step process: AA Billing Invoice Creation VIDEO
***Be extremely careful to ensure that NO grade information is included on the roster when you submit it. Including grades is a FERPA violation. ***