Before your course begins, please do a quick Moodle Quality Check to ensure a seamless flow throughout your course timeframe. A quality check takes approximately 3 minutes per course and allows you (the instructor) an opportunity to clear up any issues within Moodle before the start of class.
Quick Step Guide: please go through each prompt carefully.
Log into your course in Moodle. For each course, please complete the following:
- Check to ensure there is only ONE Announcement Forum. Multiple Announcement Forums can cause issues within your course. Q&A should NOT be your Announcement Forum type.
- Check to ensure the Instructor information is correct. Email, Phone Number and Office Hours (Zoom or Teams links).
- If you have an Academic Assistant. Check to ensure their contact information is correct. If you had an Academic Assistant in the past but one is not assigned for the upcoming course, please delete/remove or hide their information from students.
- Syllabus: should be in Moodle Book tool format in the Getting Started Module section.
- Check through your syllabus for the following:
- Important Dates: Adjust dates to match the current semester, ELearn or session.
- Course Outcomes and Module Learning Objectives: All courses should have Outcomes (Course & Learning) listed on the main Moodle Page for the course and within the Syllabus. These should always match.
- Grading and Course Work: Check your syllabus grading scale with your Gradebook, make sure numbers and/or calculations match.
- Check through your syllabus for the following:
- Check to ensure an AEA assignment (quiz, discussion, etc) is within Module 1 and clearly labeled for students to find with ease.
- Gradebook: Check to ensure assignments, quiz grades, course totals are not hidden from student view (unless that is your specific plan for the course).
- If you are using TurnItIn: check to ensure gradebook and TurnItIn point totals match and the TurnItIn assignment can be seen within the gradebook.
- Dates Report in Moodle: at the top of your course page (The Gear icon above the Editing button) click the Gear, click More..., to the right of Reports - click Dates. Click to open each Module section and check all dates so they reflect the current semester, ELearn or session you are offering the course.
- Videos and Links: test any videos or links (zoom, books, other material links) housed inside your course to ensure they are working properly.
*Don't Forget - Open your Course once your Quality Check is complete.
If questions arise while completing the Quality Check, please email Ed. Tech Specialist, Michelle Ducote at or submit a helpdesk ticket.